
Frozen Chocolate-Covered Cappuccino Crunch Cake

Frozen Chocolate-Covered Cappuccino Crunch Cake
Recipe Info - Skill Level
Recipe Info - Prep Time
30 min
Recipe Info - Serving Size
16 servings
Cappuccino Crunch Cake combines coffee ice cream, pound cake and NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Milk Chocolate Morsels for a rich and creamy frozen dessert! This dessert was created by Beth Royals of Richmond, VA.


Make It

Step 1

Slice pound cake into 1/8- to 1/4-inch slices. Place half of the slices on bottom of 9-inch springform pan; press down firmly. Set remaining slices aside.

Step 2

Bring cream just to a boil in medium saucepan. Remove from heat. Add milk chocolate morsels; let stand 5 minutes. Whisk until well combined and smooth. Pour half of the chocolate mixture over pound cake in pan, spreading evenly to within 1/4-inch of edge of pan. Cover; freeze for 1 1/2 hours or until chocolate is set.

Step 3

Combine softened ice cream and 1 cup whipped topping in large bowl. Fold in 1 3/4 cups crushed malted milk balls. Spread over chocolate layer in pan. Cover; freeze until ice cream is firm, about 2 hours.

Step 4

Top ice cream with remaining pound cake slices; press down firmly. Spread remaining chocolate mixture over pound cake. Cover; freeze at least 6 hours.

Step 5

To serve, remove sides of pan. Garnish with additional whipped topping and sprinkle with crushed malted milk balls, if desired. To cut cake easily, run a knife under hot water and dry with a paper towel before making slices.


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